post: tags: - Account summary: Create a new Account. description: | Returns Id and Sfid of new account record. ### Note: Only account record created with this API end point no other table created e.g. account billing, account setting etc not created. operationId: create requestBody: $ref: "#/components/requestBodies/request-body" responses: 200: $ref: "#/components/responses/200" 422: $ref: "#/components/responses/422" 500: $ref: "#/components/responses/500" components: requestBodies: request-body: required: true, content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - Name - AccountManager - CentralSalesRep - Phone - InActive - BillingStreet - BillingState - BillingCountry - Type - ShowingEmail - CreatedById properties: Name: type: string example: Test Name AccountManager: type: string example: 0030H00004r4cgTQAQ CentralSalesRep: type: string example: 0030H00004r4cgTQAQ Phone: type: string example: 1234567890 InActive: type: boolean example: false billingstreet: type: string example: Test Street BillingCity: type: string example: Test City BillingState: type: string example: Test State BillingCountry: type: string example: Test Country billingpostalcode: type: string example: 411057 Type: type: string example: Management Company ShowingEmail: type: string example: CreatedById: type: string example: 0030H00004r4cgTQAQ responses: 200: description: Record created successfully. content: application/json: example: { "data": [ { "Id": 143432, "Sfid": "RLPn3J4RiNCeQhEqxY" } ] } 422: description: Required data not provided. content: application/json: example: { "errors": { "BillingState": "The BillingState is required" } } 500: description: Internal Server Error. content: application/json: example: { "errors": { "500": "SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 7 ERROR: value too long for type character varying(18) (SQL: insert into \"salesforce\".\"account\" (\"name\", \"account_manager__c\", \"central_sales_rep__c\", \"phone\", \"inactive__c\", \"billingstreet\", \"billingcity\", \"billingstate\", \"billingcountry\", \"billingpostalcode\", \"createdbyid\", \"lastmodifiedbyid\", \"lastmodifiedbyuser__c\", \"lastmodifieddate\", \"createddate\") values (Test Account Name, 005i0000001GNXQAA4fgfffffffffffffff, 0050H000009h7BbQAI, 1234567890, 0, Test Street, Test City, Test State, Test Country, 411057, 0030H00004r4cgTQAQ, 0030H00004r4cgTQAQ, 0030H00004r4cgTQAQ, 2022-06-15 09:20:42, 2022-06-15 09:20:42) returning \"id\")" } }